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Check out the latest issue of Sidelines Magazine to learn more about Vicky Castegren and Hyperion Stud! She shares her journey and the vision behind Hyperion Stud, dedicated to breeding top sport horses. Read...
Check out the latest issue of Sidelines Magazine to learn more about Vicky Castegren and Hyperion Stud! She shares her journey and the vision behind Hyperion Stud, dedicated to breeding top sport horses. Read...
As the U25 competitors at VHC Eventing, presented by Capital Square, stepped up to the  podium, I couldn’t help but think about what other podiums might be in their future. Would we one day see...
As the U25 competitors at VHC Eventing, presented by Capital Square, stepped up to the  podium, I couldn’t help but think about what other podiums might be in their future. Would we one day see...
As the anticipation for the 2024 Paris Olympics continues to build, athletes like Will Coleman are busy fine-tuning their strategies and training regimens with the hope of being chosen to represent the United States...
As the anticipation for the 2024 Paris Olympics continues to build, athletes like Will Coleman are busy fine-tuning their strategies and training regimens with the hope of being chosen to represent the United States...
Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce the athlete-and-horse combinations selected to represent the U.S. Olympic Eventing Team at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games hosted from July 26 – August 11, 2024. Eventing...
Lexington, Ky. – US Equestrian is pleased to announce the athlete-and-horse combinations selected to represent the U.S. Olympic Eventing Team at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games hosted from July 26 – August 11, 2024. Eventing...
Vicky Castegren, the force behind Hyperion Stud, began her equestrian journey as a jumper rider, balancing her passion for competition with a burgeoning interest in breeding. In 2000, she launched her first business, purchasing...
Vicky Castegren, the force behind Hyperion Stud, began her equestrian journey as a jumper rider, balancing her passion for competition with a burgeoning interest in breeding. In 2000, she launched her first business, purchasing...
Lexington, KY – April 25, 2024 – Will Coleman and Hyperion Stud have made the decision to withdraw Chin Tonic HS from the Cosequin® Lexington CCI4*-S at the Defender Kentucky Three-Day. Coleman said, “I’m...
Lexington, KY – April 25, 2024 – Will Coleman and Hyperion Stud have made the decision to withdraw Chin Tonic HS from the Cosequin® Lexington CCI4*-S at the Defender Kentucky Three-Day. Coleman said, “I’m...
Barboursville, Va. – April 16, 2024 – It is with heavy heart that we share the passing of our beloved stallion Cicera’s Icewater, due to colic complications. His loss is deeply felt by all...
Barboursville, Va. – April 16, 2024 – It is with heavy heart that we share the passing of our beloved stallion Cicera’s Icewater, due to colic complications. His loss is deeply felt by all...
Hyperion Stud Offers World-Class Stallions for 2024 Breeding Season Check out the full newsletter here!
Hyperion Stud Offers World-Class Stallions for 2024 Breeding Season Check out the full newsletter here!
Aiken, SC – March 2, 2024 – Will Coleman Goes One-Two in 2024 $100,000 Conceal Grand-Prix Eventing at Bruce’s Field presented by Taylor, Harris Insurance Services When he left the startbox as the final...
Aiken, SC – March 2, 2024 – Will Coleman Goes One-Two in 2024 $100,000 Conceal Grand-Prix Eventing at Bruce’s Field presented by Taylor, Harris Insurance Services When he left the startbox as the final...

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#StallionShowcase ⭐️ Iceman de Muze is an Elite BWP stallion that jumped successfully up to 1.60m. He has already produced multiple successful offspring who compete in the Grand Prix jumpers, JR/AO jumpers, hunters and young horse classes. He’s a stallion for breeders who need scope and top character. 🥇Link in bio to learn more about Iceman De Muze 📲

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#StallionShowcase ⭐️ Iceman de Muze is an Elite BWP stallion that jumped successfully up to 1.60m. He has already produced multiple successful offspring who compete in the Grand Prix jumpers, JR/AO jumpers, hunters and young horse classes. He’s a stallion for breeders who need scope and top character. 🥇Link in bio to learn more about Iceman De Muze 📲

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Winter hasn’t let up in Virginia this season!

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Winter hasn’t let up in Virginia this season! 


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A beautiful place!!

Absolutely beautiful ♥️

2 weeks ago

The 2025 KWPN-NA Stallion Service Auction will open February 15th! Stallion owners and agents, if you’d like to participate in our auction, make sure you let us know asap. Donation form: forms.gle/A5P2nJ39eze658Dj9

We offer a nice package of benefits to our donors:

⚜️Individual promo post about the donated stallion(s) on all our social media channels about the SSA
⚜️ Listing on the public auction site with all relevant information on your stallion, including pictures and links to videos
⚜️ 50% discount on stallion activation costs per donation for 2026
⚜️ A free membership per donation
⚜️ 'Keur' level promotion package for 2025 for every donor (only donations over $500)
⚜️ Free entry to the Stallion Offspring Futurity during the Keuring tour with extra promotion for the stallion for offspring of SSA stallions

Bidders, you can find the auction page here and can register to bid already, you don’t have to be a member with us: givebutter.com/c/ssa2025kwpnna/auction

Thank you to all the generous and loyal stallion owners and agents for your support to our organization! 🧡
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2 weeks ago

#stallionshowcase ⭐️ Chin Quidam VDL is the AHHA Approved son of Chin Chin, and was bought as a 6-year-old from VDL Stud in Holland 🐴 He was carefully educated in the American system with thought taken in the methodical progression of his career. Chin Quidam showcased power, technique and aptitude in the competition arena, winning the 2014 Youngster Cup Qualifier as well as the Youngster Finale in Aachen 🥇Link in bio to learn more about Chin Quidam VDL 📲

#HyperionStud #chinquidamvdl #holsteiner #hyperionstudusa #hyperionstudglobal #hyperionstudgermany #hyperionstudbreedingseason #stallion #vdlstallion #ChinChin #VDL
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#StallionShowcase ⭐️ Chin Quidam VDL is the AHHA Approved son of Chin Chin, and was bought as a 6-year-old from VDL Stud in Holland 🐴 He was carefully educated in the American system with thought taken in the methodical progression of his career. Chin Quidam showcased power, technique and aptitude in the competition arena, winning the 2014 Youngster Cup Qualifier as well as the Youngster Finale in Aachen 🥇Link in bio to learn more about Chin Quidam VDL 📲

#hyperionstud #ChinQuidamVDL #holsteiner #hyperionstudusa #hyperionstudglobal #hyperionstudgermany #hyperionstudbreedingseason #stallion #vdlstallion #chinchin #VDLImage attachmentImage attachment

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Top Hengst . Stam 4847

2 weeks ago

SWB Trophy presented by Hyperion Stud 🤎 Coccinelle (F. 2) (SWB) e. Crown Z u. Sammy Joe SN (F. 2) (SWB) – Cardento, Uppfödare: Stig H Johansson AB, ägare Stall Stora Alby AB med ryttare Kristofer-Robin Longoni 💙

-Efter Breeders Trophy på Flyinge fick hon en ordentlig vila, berättar Kristofer-Robin Longoni. Under vintern har vi tränat styrka kombinerat med mycket återhämtning.
-Hon är en stor häst med långa ben och växer fortfarande vilket man får ha i åtanke när man jobbar henne, fortsätter han.

-Coccinelle är en väldigt snäll häst med väldigt bra psyke. Kapaciteten finns och får hon rätt förutsättningar i framtiden kommer hon att bli riktigt bra, hennes utmaning nu är att få med sig hela kroppen och alla ben synkade, samma utmaning som på väldigt många växande unghästar har.

Efter GHS kommer hon till Spanien och ska då tävlas under Jenny Johansson.

-Jag ser verkligen fram emot att få introducera Coccinelle i den stora arenan i Scandinavium, jag är övertygad om att det kommer bli fler för henne, avslutar han.

Stort lycka till önskar vi på SWB! 💫🙌

Swedish Warmblood Association
Gothenburg Horse Show

Foto: @luchothroughalens

#hyperionstud #swbtropy #swbsåklart #gothenburghorseshow #swedishwarmblood #proudbreeder
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2 weeks ago

SWB Trophy presented by Hyperion Stud 🤎 Elton F (SWB) e. Crusader Ice (SWB) u. Ultra – Heartbreaker. Uppfödare: Gunnel och Kjell Frölin, ägare Hasselberg Jumping AB, ryttare Fredrik Hasselberg 💙

-Vi längtar till Gothenburg Horse Show! Det är verkligen tävlingarnas tävling med fantastisk atmosfär, härlig stämning stämning, ja ALLT! Säger Fredrik Hasselberg som både rider och äger Elton F.
-Vinterträningen har varit bra, vi startade upp med tävling under vecka 5 i Helsingborg och nu blir det Borås, sedan är vi redo för Göteborg!
-Eltons styrkor är bland annat hans reaktionsförmåga och försiktighet, han är vaken, kvick och känslig, fortsätter Fredrik. Elton hoppar både rättuppstående och oxer lika väl, det som är svårt ibland är att han vill göra på sitt eget vis, att han inte vill bli styrd, men det jobbar vi med.

Stort lycka till önskar vi på SWB! 💫🙌


Foto: @luchothroughalens

#hyperionstud #swbtropy #swbsåklart #gothenburghorseshow #swedishwarmblood #proudbreeder
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2 weeks ago

Casall ASK x Contender x Landgraf


⭐️ Generously donated by Hyperion Stud.

*Mare owner responsible for all costs associated with shipping.*
1 Year Contract


Dakota VDL aka Conquito, is a modern sport horse who is beautiful type with lots of expression and character. He has a great ride-ability showing a very athletic trot, and a very balanced, light-footed and powerful canter. He demonstrates scope, with very good take off and reflexes. He has powerful haunches, clean and careful technique with mature self control. He is a wonderful addition for breeders of North America.

Dakota’s sire Casall La Silla is a multiple Grand Prix winner with Rolf Goran Bengtsson at competitions like Lyon, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Oslo and finished 6th in the 2012 World Cup Finals as well as competing in the 2012 London Olympic Games. Casall is considered one of the top jumping stallions of the modern day. In breeding, he breaks through with successful offspring in the international young horse classes, produced the 2008 “Mare of theYear” at the Eilte mare show, and has severaal approved sons which include Connor, Zavall VDL and Catch It and now Dakota VDL.

Dakota’s Grand Sire is the Holsteiner stallion Contender. Contender is the sire of 40 approved sons and 40 premium mares. He is a living legend in sport horse breeding for jumping and dressage with offspring like Checkmate and Montender.

Dakota’s Dam Naomi II is the full sister of the BWP approved stallion Cicero van de Helle. This well known Holsteiner family boasts famous offpsring such as Corland, Corradina, Landetto, Leuthen I & II and more.

Dakota’s Damsire Landgraf I is one of the most successful sires of show jumpers the world has seen, and his genetics can be found in hundreds of todays modern sport horses. Landgraf has produced over 300 approved sons such as Libero H, Burggraaf, Loutano, Landadel and continues to influence the Holsteiner breed today.

Dakota was inspected and approved by the BWP/NAD in 2012 and received one of the highest scores in their history with an 87. Dakota is a beautiful example of his sire, Casall, and is best matched with larger framed and leggy mares.
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